Book Review: And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

According to Goodreads, Agatha Christie is the best-selling author of all time.

Yeah. I can believe that.

This was my first exposure to The AC, and well, I wasn’t disappointed. Riveting.

Funnily enough, it reminds me of Ellen Raskin’s The Westing Game, that I’ve read at least two or three times with my kids. ‘Cuz it’s a kids’ book.

And Then There Were None isn’t a kids’ book. At all. But the writing style was so similar, I think Ms. Raskin took a page or two from The AC in her day.

I won’t say much as to the story, because really, what is there to say? A masterful whodunnit, beautifully written. That woman had a larger and more terrifying imagination than I ever hope to have.

Good book. I’m ready for another.

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