Drip, drip, drip…

Me, to my old, old kid: "Did I tell you that Dad and I decided to hike the Ice Age Trail?" My old, old kid, to me, right into the receiver: SnortLaugh. *Composes self* "Oh, I see. Is that why you want your knee brace back?" Why, yes, my dear. As a matter of fact,... Continue Reading →

To trod

I havea newplaceto hike. I can't even tell you how excited I am. As per usual, I'm a little slow on the uptake, and I'm embarrassed that it took me this long to discover this gem, but hey, better late than never. It's not that we don't have good hiking in the area. We do.... Continue Reading →


I lopped off the tip of my thumb the other day. Thursday. It was a week. No, I didn't take off a big ol' steak of flesh, like the kid did with that deli meat slicer last year, or have a green foam/fungus bandage applied by the finger authorities to stimulate new growth to bring... Continue Reading →

Leave it to Doyle

I have recently begun a small series of rearrangings in an effort to slow the entropy of householding and acquisitions. Books in their shelves, DVDs in their own, the abject horror that is the Pyrex lid drawer. This is, I suppose, an expected consequence of my recent return to full-time housewifery and writing, a likely... Continue Reading →

Famous. Again.

Got m’self in the paper again, yessir I did. Yep, yep, yep. *shines fingernails* This is, as I’m sure you can imagine, quite the feat of fame and fortune in a town like Colfax, where all 1,054 of us are fighting for airtime. Burbling masses all vying for the limelight. Competitive newsmaking at its finest... Continue Reading →

Damn and blast

Rolled a deer the other night. At that very duskiest time of dusk, where the headlights still have no real darkness to cut through, yet all the world is fading to blue and the eyes begin to lose contrast. This is not the first deer that has fallen to the Ottinger fleet. Oh, no, there... Continue Reading →

It’s coming

Ran home from a few hours of work today to revel in the sunshine and warmth before it fizzles. First, I spent a frenzied 15 minutes trying to shovel out the front deck. Why? Well, this: You may not recognize it, but this is the view from the front windows less than a week ago.... Continue Reading →


Sprung the hubs from the hospital the other day. The sorts of photos that would be appropriate to this story just really aren't appropriate to share. We'll have to make do...This is us in the ER on Scott's birthday, which was much more fun that the free birthday-food trolling that was on the docket. I... Continue Reading →


I’ve never sat writing in my winter boots before, at least not inside. I’ve also never, not to my memory, burped up chocolate guacamole, which also just happened, but that is beside the point. I’m here writing in my clunky winter boots because a guy was supposed to be here almost an hour ago to... Continue Reading →

What I meant to say

I was with a few close friends the other day, and we were talking about our experience of God. Now, please understand, Im’a simplify the context violently here, or we'll never get anywhere. I'll just cut to my part, which was kinda' two parts: First there was my general presence answer. The deep knowing, the... Continue Reading →

Trips large and small

Me post-nos. It's small for obvious reasons. Had me a little nitrous the other day. I guess it was almost a month ago now. Time flying when the fun is had and all that... The nitrous in question was administered at my request as prelude to an extraction. You see, while I've had a tooth... Continue Reading →

Probably not the last

Today, a photo-essay. Think of it as a flipbook with captions, and lots of nice pictures of the hubs... Just in case you're not from around here, we had some hellacious winds last night. Made me think the house was gonna' lift right off the foundation and fly away. Thankfully, that didn't happen. We made'r... Continue Reading →

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