Drip, drip, drip…

Me, to my old, old kid: "Did I tell you that Dad and I decided to hike the Ice Age Trail?" My old, old kid, to me, right into the receiver: SnortLaugh. *Composes self* "Oh, I see. Is that why you want your knee brace back?" Why, yes, my dear. As a matter of fact,... Continue Reading →

Inflammation of the phalanges

We'll call it an incident. I suppose we could call it aging. Or stupidity. But we're going to go with an incident. It started with that damned cardboard. I've always known my fingers were bulls-eyes for arthritis. My childhood is pocked with memories of my mom's engorged knuckles and all the digital calisthenics employed to... Continue Reading →

Another round

The moles are working overtime these days. It is spring, the temporal realm of the mole, and they have--apparently--declared this the year to finally decimate the Ottinger Homestead once and for all. Sound Familiar? Well, sure it does... I went out yesterday, to stomp down the run that I shaved off the day before when... Continue Reading →

You leveled up

I woke up this morning with the drive to write a blog post. And with the time to do it. When does that ever happen? Answer? It happens only in conjunction with the sudden realization that I have nothing to say. It’s all blather. I don't want to recount the early departure of the youngest,... Continue Reading →

Just in Time

I've spent the last week not being able to move my head much. Torticollis. Thanks to virus or misstep, I am not sure, but I am sure that short of childbirth, breaking bones, and events involving large incisions, this has been the most pain I've ever been in. Yes, that definitely includes the back-spasm incident... Continue Reading →

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