Catching up, and A Plea

Wow. So I totally left ya' hangin' there. With the COVID. Sincere apologies. We are still alive. Not to worry. Test #2 was still negativo, and not a one of us got sick. Three cheers for masking and distancing and wiping down All The Things! Even if we weren't doing it perfectly, we survived hours... Continue Reading →

Even in the Dark

Snow shadows from the Hoffman Hills Tower yesterday March 24Even in the DarkTo be broken is no reasonto see all things as brokenSeldom seen, growing along the ocean floor, the white plumed anemone is a watery blossom. It is white lace opening under tons of black, opening as if bathed in the sun, while so... Continue Reading →

You leveled up

I woke up this morning with the drive to write a blog post. And with the time to do it. When does that ever happen? Answer? It happens only in conjunction with the sudden realization that I have nothing to say. It’s all blather. I don't want to recount the early departure of the youngest,... Continue Reading →

Settling. Snow, smoke, and peace.

OK, OK... I've given in to the word of 2020. It’s not like it’s been honking horns and gonging gongs all around me and I’ve been resistant. It’s not like there aren’t other good candidates. I’m not even sure this is the best one. But it is the one that has been quietly persistent through... Continue Reading →

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