Drip, drip, drip…

Me, to my old, old kid: "Did I tell you that Dad and I decided to hike the Ice Age Trail?" My old, old kid, to me, right into the receiver: SnortLaugh. *Composes self* "Oh, I see. Is that why you want your knee brace back?" Why, yes, my dear. As a matter of fact,... Continue Reading →

To trod

I havea newplaceto hike. I can't even tell you how excited I am. As per usual, I'm a little slow on the uptake, and I'm embarrassed that it took me this long to discover this gem, but hey, better late than never. It's not that we don't have good hiking in the area. We do.... Continue Reading →


Dropped my phone in the toilet this morning. I’d have taken a picture, but this seemed a grossly ineffective use of my time. Also, a logistical conundrum considering the camera itself was in the toilet. This pretty much ties up my week. An appropriately shaded ribbon on the package of the past handful of days.... Continue Reading →

You leveled up

I woke up this morning with the drive to write a blog post. And with the time to do it. When does that ever happen? Answer? It happens only in conjunction with the sudden realization that I have nothing to say. It’s all blather. I don't want to recount the early departure of the youngest,... Continue Reading →


Warning: Shamelessly personal picture post... We were blessed to welcome a son-in-law into the fold this weekend: With the exception of Baby Rar being completely out of his mind through most of the festivities, the wedding went off without a hitch, and that is a gift. Alex, like Courtney, has 9 siblings. You should have... Continue Reading →

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